MHFA Champion

A one-day workshop

Developing a network of MHFA Champions is a key step in creating a mentally healthy workplace. The MHFA Champion one-day course will give you all the skills you need to be an MHFA Champion.

Learning objectives

This one-day course trains you as an MHFA Champion, giving you:

  • An understanding of common mental health issues
  • Knowledge and confidence to advocate for mental health awareness
  • Ability to spot signs of mental ill-health
  • Skills to support positive wellbeing

Who should attend?

This course is ideal for anyone who would like an introduction and awareness of mental health. No previous knowledge of poor mental health is required.


  • This one-day course is delivered either in person or online
  • Learning takes place through a mix of presentations, group discussions and workshop activities
  • We limit numbers to 16 people per course so that the trainer can keep people safe and supported while they learn

Special features

Everyone who completes the course gets:

  • A certificate of attendance to say you are an MHFA Champion
  • A manual to refer to whenever you need it
  • A quick reference card for the Mental Health First Aid action plan
  • A workbook including a helpful toolkit to support your own mental health

Expert trainer

An enthusiastic developer of people, Wendy has been working as a Mental Health First Aid Instructor since August 2018. Her interest in mental health started in 2017 when she joined a student accommodation provider as the Learning and Development Advisor (L&D). As she sat within the HR team, she realised that poor mental health impacts the staff and students. She felt passionate for change and doing something about it, she submitted a project scope to the HR director. In 2018 she created an internal mental health forum that met monthly to discuss actions to move the project forward. The proposal included offering mental health training, which would be underpinned by a well-being campaign. Wendy upskilled as a Mental Health First Aid Instructor to deliver the content consistently and efficiently.

Wendy has since set up as an independent trainer to continue upskilling people in mental health.  She has delivered MHFA England training to numerous clients in a diverse range of sectors, such as retail and hospitality, finance, manufacturing, arts & theatre, and public sector. Her clients include Amazon, BMW Group, British Museum and NHS Dental Trust amongst many others.

Wendy’s programme gets results, as the following comments from course participants show:

‘Wendy was very informative. She made sure all participants were involved in the course. She was non-judgmental and very understanding. It was very easy to open up and she created a brilliant atmosphere. I would recommend this course to any person in their private or professional life’

‘The tutor, Wendy, was great and her honest, real world examples were good and she brought a positive energy which helped to motivate the group which I think is hard with mixed engagement and a range of cameras on and off. Overall, it was a really good course – thanks so much to all involved’

‘I was so pleased with how well it went, each day was different and exciting, despite covering a lot of ground for each topic. The trainer was great and offered support and made me feel included in all of the sessions’

1 Introduction to MHFA and understanding mental health (3 hours 30 mins)

  • About Mental Health First Aid
  • About mental health and stress in the workplace
  • Stigma and discrimination
  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Other mental health issues (eating disorders, self-harm, psychosis)
  • Early warning signs of mental ill-health
  • Alcohol, drugs and mental health

2 MHFA Champion in practice (3 hours 30 mins)

  • Applying the Mental Health First Aid action plan
  • Action 1: Approach the person, assess and assist with any crisis
  • Suicide
  • Action 2: Listen and communicate non-judgementally
  • Action 3: Give support and information
  • Action 4: Encourage the person to get appropriate professional help
  • Action 5: Encourage other supports
  • Recovery
  • Building a mentally healthy workplace
  • Action planning for using MHFA

Any questions? Please just give us a call on 01582 463463 – we’re here to help!