Quit smoking!

A bite-sized session

Yes, you can do it.

Take the 7-day challenge.

Alternatively, consider hypnotherapy.

Evidence shows hypnosis is far and away the most effective technique of all for stopping smoking and quitting for good – as summarised in New Scientist in 2010 (Lynn, Green, Accardi, & Cleere). Especially when it is carried out with an element of counselling. That is the therapy part of the word hypnotherapy, and why Richard talks about hypnotherapy for stopping smoking and not just hypnosis to quit.

Take away a seven-step guide to quitting and, more importantly, the commitment to quit.

Learning objectives

During the session you will have the opportunity to:

  • Explore why we find it difficult to quit
  • Learn the seven key steps that can help you quit on your own
  • Discover why some people prefer hypnotherapy

Who should attend?

Smokers everywhere!


A bite-sized session for up to 15 people.

Expert trainer

Richard is a scientist by background – he worked originally in oil and coal exploration, and on research into the indoor environment, for which his work was recognised internationally – and this explains his clear thinking and emphasis on evidence-based pragmatic solutions to individuals’ issues now that specialises in the science of happiness and fulfillment.

In 2012 he gained his PhD in esoteric studies with his dissertation on a new understanding and model of happiness – the Physics of Happiness. This model gives a powerful and ecological foundation for his approach to helping people change their behaviour, achieve their goals, and heal the symptoms of disease.

He is a stimulating and thought-provoking speaker, hypnotherapist, NLP coach and trainer. As well as working with individual clients, he has many years’ experience of running workshops for client organisations (particularly the NHS).

Richard is a Master and Accredited Trainer in NLP, a Master and Accredited Trainer in Time Line Therapy, past supervisor for the London College of Clinical Hypnosis, a qualified Life Coach and founding chairman of the Harpenden Professional Development group for mind-therapy practitioners and students. He is also an Annual Visiting Lecturer on ‘Mind and Environment’ on the MSc course on Intelligent Buildings at Reading University.

Any questions? Please just give us a call on 01582 463463 – we’re here to help!